Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Ho Ho Ho, I got my toes in the sand, a drink in my hand it
must be Christmas.
I hope you were on the nice list this year...but those of you
on the naughty list- and you know who you are enjoy that
lump of coal. They make attractive paper weights...or if you live in the
North East you can heat your home with it. xxoo.

P.S A special thank you to all of you un secured wi-fi networks along
Jupiter Island. Turkeycoop, JCboathouse, sandybeach..
Only in a republican enclave do I find such pedestrian names foropen
networks but they allowed me to update this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's a wonder i am republican..spending all those years in fla..r u trying to make us poor saps in LGCA jealous?

its working..